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Kit 7 Chackras Gemstones & Palo santo

Original price was: $43.00.Current price is: $38.00.

Availability: 3 in stock

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How To Use Chakra Crystals for Healing Chakras

To use your chakra crystals as a healing energy tool, you can place them over the associated chakra, hold them in your hands or wear them as chakra necklace or chakra bracelet, preferably in contact with your skin.

By focusing your intention on activating its healing powers or by imagining what you want the chakra crystal to do for you, you can implicate the crystal in your practice. It should focus and channel your energy to interact with a specific energy center.

In this way, a crystal can participate in or enhance chakra healing. You can also use chakra crystals and stones in your home, placing them in the rooms of your house so that they serve as a point to focus on during your yoga meditation practice.

First Chakra – Root Chakra | Muladhara – Red

The root chakra at the base of your spine is associated with the color red and the feeling of being grounded. When you are feeling week, tired, or have low motivation, chances are those chakra crystals such as bloodstone, red jasper and onyx can be beneficial to balance the root chakra.

Second Chakra – Sacral Chakra | Svadhishthana – Orange

The sacral chakra is located slightly below your navel and represented by the color orange. It is linked to emotions and creativity. Chakra crystals like dark citrine, carnelian, and orange calcite can help magnify or balance the sacral chakra’s energy.

Third Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra | Manipura – Yellow

The solar plexus in the upper abdomen represents will, mental capacity, and intellect. Its attributed color is yellow and when it is blocked, you probably lack confidence or feel fearful.

Chakra crystals that resonate with the solar plexus are citrine, yellow sapphire, and amber.

Fourth Chakra – Heart Chakra | Anahata – Green

The heart chakra at the center of the chest represents love, compassion, and acceptance. Its primary color is green, the secondary color is pink. If you are feeling stressed, jealous, or anxious, you can use chakra crystals such as emerald, green tourmaline rose quartz or pink tourmaline to balance this chakra.

Fifth Chakra – Throat Chakra | Vishuddha – Light Blue / Turquoise

The throat chakra represents self-expression, communication, and truth. Its color is turquoise and secondary colors are shades of light blue. If you want to feel more expressive and true to yourself, you can use chakra crystals including blue sapphire, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, or turquoise to magnify this chakra.

Sixth Chakra – Third Eye Chakra | Ajna – Indigo

The third eye chakra associated with the colors of deep indigo blue and purple, which is located on your forehead between your brows. It represents inner wisdom, intuition, and understanding.

Chakra crystals such as Amethyst, purple fluorite, or sodalite can be beneficial to boost this chakra’s energy.

Seventh Chakra – Crown Chakra | Sahasrara – Violet or White

The crown chakra is associated with the colors white and violet, and it is linked to spirituality and consciousness. It is located at the top of your head and interacts with chakra crystals such as clear quartz and light amethyst.

Palo Santo – 1 Sticks – 100% Natural

About this item

  • Palo Santo Sticks
  • 1 sticks / 4.5 ounces
  • Sustainably Harvested from Argentina
  • Botanical Name: Bursera Graveolens

Palo Santo is traditionally used for symptoms of stress.

Aromatherapy uses botanicals to foster a sense of safety. A powerful smell can focus our attention, unify our senses, and quiet the mind.